Monday, September 27, 2010

Toy Story 3 crew exclusive soundtrack CD

Toy Story 3 director Lee Unkrich had the world-class Pixar publicity team send me a copy of the special crew-exclusive Toy Story 3 soundtrack on CD; it arrived in my mailbox this afternoon.

Given out as a gift to studio employees, the complete soundtrack by Randy Newman is not sold anywhere and contains all the music from the film —about twice as much music than included on the publicly-available 'TS3' soundtrack album, which can be purchased only as a digital download.

It has a remarkable 73 tracks on two discs, running 1:01 hour, including four bonus ones from short film Day & Night, composed by Michael Giacchino. The track names sometimes differ from those of the regular album. For example, the exhilarating opening track is here called "Blue Sky", while in the released version it takes the name "Cowboy!"

The back of the cardboard packaging (not pictured) features a message from Unkrich and Darla K. Anderson —with an appreciation of composer Newman— and bears small Walt Disney Records and Pixar logos.

The album came accompanied by a letter from Lee, on fine studio letterhead. He thanks me for my "support and fandom" on the blog.

A big thank-you to Lee and the Pixar team for the gift.


Toy Story 3 crew exclusive soundtrack CD

Toy Story 3 director Lee Unkrich had the world-class Pixar publicity team send me a copy of the special crew-exclusive Toy Story 3 soundtrack on CD; it arrived in my mailbox this afternoon.

Given out as a gift to studio employees, the complete soundtrack by Randy Newman is not sold anywhere and contains all the music from the film —about twice as much music than included on the publicly-available 'TS3' soundtrack album, which can be purchased only as a digital download.

It has a remarkable 73 tracks on two discs, running 1:01 hour, including four bonus ones from short film Day & Night, composed by Michael Giacchino. The track names sometimes differ from those of the regular album. For example, the exhilarating opening track is here called "Blue Sky", while in the released version it takes the name "Cowboy!"

The back of the cardboard packaging (not pictured) features a message from Unkrich and Darla K. Anderson —with an appreciation of composer Newman— and bears small Walt Disney Records and Pixar logos.

The album came accompanied by a letter from Lee, on fine studio letterhead. He thanks me for my "support and fandom" on the blog.

A big thank-you to Lee and the Pixar team for the gift.

The Pixar Blog: Disney hints at Toy Story 3 3-D Blu-ray

The Pixar Blog: Disney hints at Toy Story 3 3-D Blu-ray: "Tucked inside the packaging of the Beauty and the Beast Diamond Edition Blu-ray is an advertising booklet that shows, on its front page, the..."

Friday, August 13, 2010


hello friend

Pellentesque placerat

sem et urna sodales eget imperdiet dui viverra. Pellentesque placerat, ipsum eget adipiscing mollis, enim nulla pellentesque enim, in adipiscing ligula orci eget nisl. Donec bibendum auctor orci nec elementum. Nulla urna velit, dignissim ut laoreet vel, ullamcorper eu nulla. Pellentesque at dignissim ligula. Pellentesque porta malesuada pharetra. Quisque venenatis justo et odio laoreet quis mollis metus pretium. Duis cursus condimentum elit a cursus. Sed quis placerat odio. Praesent rhoncus tortor ut velit commodo ut adipiscing erat porta. In vestibulum ligula quis metus posuere vel laoreet libero ornare. Aenean nibh velit, eleifend nec lacinia id, fermentum id quam. Sed semper convallis quam, a consectetur ante varius ut. Sed condimentum sem quis neque viverra rhoncus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In turpis mauris, placerat quis ultricies a, venenatis id augue. Nam ac enim ac urna vulputate blandit in in justo. Donec convallis rhoncus lobortis. Vivamus nec nibh turpis. Ut sed purus turpis, id consectetur nulla. Fusce elit lacus, ultricies id ornare in, dictum ut turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus ut lectus augue. Cras vestibulum rhoncus molestie. Curabitur ut nunc id nulla tincidunt faucibus vel a tortor. Praesent erat nisl, ornare ornare accumsan faucibus, venenatis vitae metus. Aenean imperdiet, est eget mollis malesuada, quam odio venenatis sapien, eget pellentesque tellus mi dapibus dui. Fusce quis urna ac mi placerat viverra id sed nibh. Nulla volutpat odio vitae ipsum vulputate porttitor. Pellentesque consequat metus vitae erat faucibus scelerisque. Nunc euismod ornare enim eu malesuada.
Aenean lobortis dolor nec metus accumsan ultrices. Sed eu diam ligula. Mauris a massa purus, et vestibulum mi. Nullam pretium mattis massa rhoncus ullamcorper. Aliquam erat odio, consectetur vel tempor vel, tempus in eros. Morbi et justo sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Cras diam tortor, gravida sit amet vestibulum id, mollis eu risus. Quisque ac leo odio, tincidunt luctus ligula. Cras elementum dapibus diam eget egestas. Nulla vestibulum, diam et molestie lobortis, augue tellus tempor turpis, non sodales purus sem at neque. Quisque sit amet tortor eget dui rhoncus feugiat. Ut vel elit dolor, eu laoreet lacus. Nam ultricies tortor id sapien placerat suscipit. Vestibulum dictum malesuada elit, non imperdiet nisl rhoncus